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Instruction and maintenance manual for clothes lockers

You have purchased high-quality and secure clothes lockers of Falkonet Metall.

Read the below information before starting to use the lockers and always carefully follow all instructions.
Lockers that are used and maintained according to these instructions last for years in your dressing rooms.

1. Before starting to use the lockers.

The lockers are ready to be used after all installation and regulation works are finished.
Make provisions for the secure distribution of the keys to users and always keep the master key in a secure place.

In case you install the lockers yourself, keep in mind the following instructions
– carefully transport lockers to the intended place of installation
– remove packaging and check for possible damage from transport
– in case a locker has been damaged during transport, contact us immediately for finding the best sollution
– after having removed the packaging lift or slide the locker to its place
– regulate locker stands so that the locker is level
– locker keys are in the first locker (on the shelf for hats) that opens with a key glued on the ceiling of the locker
– in case lockers will be connected to an in-house forced ventilation system, install ventilation pipes to the lockers’ ceiling, connect these with extensions and install ventilation pipe plugs to both ends of the locker row
– lead-ins and lead-outs should be connected by a professional ventilation company
– In case of lockers with a slanted ceiling, ventilation pipes run in the lockers First, remove the covers of vents in the sides of lockers
– place benches in front of lockers (in case the order includes also benches)

2. Using and maintaining lockers

Inform users of some simple rules that will help to lengthen considerably the life of lockers.

1. The locker should be clean at all times.
2. It is not advisable to keep and pile up unnecessary objects in the locker.
3. Be careful with the key.
4. If the locker is not a secure locker, it is not advisable to keep valuables in it.
5. Do not keep unnecessary objects on the ceiling of the locker as they close natural vents and the locker will start to smell.
6. Do not keep unnecessary objects on the bottom of the locker as they close natural vents and the locker will start to smell.
7. Clean the locker with a clean and damp cloth or with a non-acidic cleaning agent.
8. The locker is covered with durable powder paint.
9. Clean the surface of wood and laminate elements with a damp cloth.
10. Clean lockers and benches at least once a month.

3. Defects discovered during the warranty period

If you discover manufacturing defects during the warranty period, contact us immediately. Our maintenance team will solve your problems as quickly as possible. All manufacturing defects discovered during the warranty period will be fixed free of charge. All defects discovered after the end of the warranty period will be fixed according to the maintenance price list.
Warranty for lockers 2 years, for locks 6 months.

Enjoy using our products

OÜ Falkonet Metall
Järsi tee 1, 75201 Aruküla
Harju County

Telephone: 6 054 061
Fax: 6 054 079